Do you constantly feel burn out, tired, and stressed?

Is all the noise, negativity, and chaos beginning to take its toll?

Is your faith in God being challenged?

Do you struggle to find refreshing?

We are all living in a world where we are constantly searching for a breath of fresh air. We are trying to find out how to live our lives without becoming exhausted, and stressed.



Here's is the truth:

There is Hope that brings Refreshing!

You can find a perspective that will bring hope,
strength, purpose, and ultimately REFRESHING!


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Hello, I’m Micah.

I'm an ordained Pastor and a Filmmaker.

More importantly, I’m also someone who has struggled with anxiety, self esteem, and even depression. I know how hard it can be to stay positive and eliminate wrong thinking and negative self talk.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping people like you live a REFRESHING life of purpose and direction.

I didn't know it but I have been putting this program together my whole life. I have learned so much about how to practically apply the wisdom of the Bible to my own life. Life no longer happens to me. Now.... I happen to life!

My purpose in life is to help you find yours. And that begins with starting from a place of strength and REFRESHMENT from God.


In this program, I will help you to avoid anxiety, burnout, and weariness, while overcoming the overwhelming noise and chaos. You will learn to stay REFRESHED and rise above the storms of your life.

Module 1:

We will dig into a famous verse in Isaiah that says "those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." As we unpack this beautiful scripture we will unveil hidden wisdom that will give you practical ways to renew your strength.

Module 2:

In this session we will be looking at things inside you that can steal your joy. We will discuss overcoming negative self talk, isolation, overwhelming feelings, and the comparison trap.

Module 3:

We look at rest and how to get real rest. We talk about more than just sleep or time off. We talk about how to rise above the storm and find refreshing rest in the midst of the storm.

Module 4:

We uncover one of the biggest enemies of refreshing... Unforgiveness. I help put handles on how to keep others from controlling us through our unforgiveness. I give you five actionable steps that will bring your freedom.

Module 5:

Now that you've learned how to raise your perspective, mastering your emotions, face life's storms, and overcoming unforgiveness, it’s time to learn how to continue to grow Spiritually. In this teaching, I teach you how to feed yourself spiritually so that you stay Refreshed.



This course is right for you if you're ready to:

Get your head above the fray and see clearly the life God meant for you to live.

Get to the root of your emotions and learn to master them.

Find out what real rest is and how to rest in the middle of life's storms.

Let go of past hurts that are holding you back.

Learn how to stay on a steady spiritual diet that brings constant health and refreshment.




+ When does the REFRESHED course start?

You will have instant access to all content and recordings as this is a self-study program.

+ What if I have more questions about the program or the Church?

You can text micah at (community?)You an email micah at or you can find him on social media at?

+ How much access will I get to Micah?

Each live module has been taught by Micah and another ordained pastor, Marcus Williams. Micah is available every week at Living Word Family Church. You can find out more information on physical and virtual services at You can also connect with Micah on Social @micahcaronna

+ What is the investment for the program?

The course is totally free to you. We do ask that if it helps you, you recommend it to someone else who may benefit.