Join A Meetup
MeetUps are all about bringing people together. We believe that God created us to live in relationships with others and not do life alone.
We meet together at different times and do some things differently, but all groups are meeting and praying together…whether in person, virtually, or hybrid.
MeetUps run in semesters, and we have 3 semesters each year - Spring and Fall Semesters are 13 weeks and our Summer Semester is 6 weeks.
For Curriculum-based MeetUps, click here for approved ideas.
MeetUps are how we connect and grow deeper together seeing real life-change happening as we walk through life with each other.
Here at Living Word, we host free-market MeetUps which are groups based around what you like to do or what you are good at. (Maybe sports, lunch group, Bible Study, art, parenting, marriage, dog walking, or just hanging out.)
Click below to take the next step and attend one of our training sessions. We all have something to offer others!